Belur Math

by September 25, 2014 0 comments
Belur Math is the headquarters of the Ramakrishna Mission, founded by Swami Vivekananda. It is located on the west bank of Hooghly River, Belur, West Bengal, India. The temple is notable for its architecture that fuses Hindu, Christian and Islamic motifs as a symbol of unity of all religions.

Taking pictures is not allowed here, but I managed to take the above picture with fear, why fear means, we always get fear when we are doing wrong things.

In Belur Math Swami Vivekananda lived the last years of his brief life.  He consecrated the grounds in 1898 by worshipping the urn containing the sacred relics of Sri Ramakrishna, which he himself carried on his shoulders to the place of worship.  On that occasion he uttered these prophetic words about Belur Math: “The blazing light of universal harmony that will emanate from here will flood the whole world.”  On another occasion he said that “the power that will have its rise from here [Belur Math] will flood the whole world and turn the course of men's lives into different channels; from this place will spring forth ideals which will be the harmony of Knowledge, Devotion, Yoga, and Work ... all true seekers of spirituality will in course of time assemble here.”  True to that prophecy, Belur Math has become the hub of a worldwide spiritual movement known as the Ramakrishna Movement.


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