Why you should travel Solo atleast once in Lifetime

by January 02, 2016 0 comments
From last few days I am reading posts related to travel and backpacking to get some idea and inspiration. This below post is from www.buoyantfeet.com

Discover Inner-self: Solo Traveling is probably the best way to make peace with your inner self. It’s an opportunity to explore the higher realm of your personality, just as you explore the world. Solo travel gives you the much needed time which you can spend and enjoy in your own company, away from all the stress and hustle bustle of daily life. It’s a chance where you break-free and can work out on thoughts, dreams, strengths, limitations and most importantly to analyse what you want. You never know, your best friend might just be hidden within you. You might just end up loving yourself.

New people, Lifetime Friends: Travelling with a group of friends or family is always fun but it also gets on as a limitation as we tend to overlook engaging ourselves with others. While you ride solo on the road, you will most likely be engaging yourselves with the people, locals around because there’s no one holding you back. You get a chance to create some of the most precious bonds that you will cherish, your whole lifetime. Maybe you’ll find great friends; you’ll probably meet a travelling soul or even fall in place with a city – who knows…

Opportunity to get out of your comfort zone: Being a solo traveler and specially a girl, I have always been questioned about the possible ‘risk’ I take while I travel. Well, travelling alone may seem scary or sounds creepy, but it can be fun and exciting if you travel with open mind. A lot many times we let fear or comfort stop us from taking life’s greatest risks and end up missing out on truly rewarding experiences. But honestly when you put yourself in a new environment, cut off from nearly everything you know, your priorities and attitudes towards the life changes. You change. You will discover a ‘newer version’ of yourself, and probably something which you have never imagined or visualised before.

Turns you into a storyteller: While you are solo traveling, there are higher chances of you turning into a storyteller, sharing every tit and bit of the place which you have just come back exploring. And probably you will share the stories which left a deep impact on you, bringing out a more refined and positive person out of you. While you are enjoying the realm of nature at your own luxury, you get to observe and examine the place deeply than you have ever imagined.

Money Management: Traveling alone will make you learn to save, splurge only on what’s necessary and enjoy a minimalistic lifestyle. It will teach you that you can even enjoy travelling with the minimum you spend. A whole new dimension to living within your limited means – almost a challenge!

Something to tell your grandchildren: There’s nothing like embarking on a courageous journey alone. Even if you never travel again by yourself you’ll always look back and be appreciative about yourself, for the true wanderlust which you experienced, when you decided to step out of your comfort zone, into a world which till then only remained on wish list.

So, if you want to travel and especially solo travel, stop making excuses. Life will always get in the way if you let it come!!!

As Mark Twain say “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.


Founder of Surathu Technologies

I'm Sreenivaas Surathu, founder of Surathu Technologies (website designing company based in India, check www.surathu.com for more details). I am passionate about internet, web technologies and I like traveling.
'1000 Websites Project' is the project to bring awareness on 'Website for their Business' and creating 1000 websites for organizations, businesses in India.


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